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Personal Logo / Screen Printing



Create a personal logo for yourself.


  1. The logo must be original

  2. The logo will be a two color

  3. Create a screen printed version of your logo.

  4. Document with photos these steps of the screen printing process on your "Screen Printing" page of your website;

    1. Digital version from Photoshop​

    2. Positive - image on plastic

    3. Stretching screen

    4. Coating screen

    5. Burning screen

    6. Washing out screen

    7. Printing image

    8. Final print on paper or shirt


Personal logo design

Originality/Creativity                 (10 points)

Readability                                 (6 points)



Image printed on shirt/paper  (10 points)


Photos documenting the steps (2 Points each)


  1. Computer Layout

  2. Positive

  3. Screen Stretching

  4. Coating Screen

  5. Burning Screen

  6. Washing Out Screen

  7. Printing Image

  8. Pics of Final Product      


 Total 42 points

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