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Design Principles


Find examples of the design principles; balance (symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial), Harmony, Contrast, Rhythm, and Unity in magazines or newspapers. Add the examples to your Design Principles page of your website. Include the name of the design principle underneath each of your examples.



1.Locate two examples of Symmetrical Balance.

2.Locate two examples of Asymmetrical Balance.

3.Locate two examples of Radial Balance.

4.Locate two examples of Harmony.

5.Locate two examples of Contrast.

6.Locate two examples of Rhythm.

7.Locate two examples of Unity.



Symmetrical Balance      5

    Labeled    2

Asymmetrical Balance    5

    Labeled    2

Radial Balance                5

    Labeled    2

Harmony                        5

    Labeled    2

Contrast                          5

    Labeled    2

Rhythm                          5

    Labeled    2

Unity                              5

    Labeled    2____________

                   Total49 points


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