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Examples of Typefaces

Assignment: Locate from internet magazines, newspapers, brochures etc. four examples from each of the six families or races of type (Text, Roman, Square Serif, San-Serif, Script or Cursive, and Novelty). Add these Examples to your “Examples of Typefaces” page of your website. Be sure to label each example. Don’t cheese out and try to use four words from the same sentence, try to get a variety of different sizes and colors.


Requirements: Find TWO examples of each of the six different families of typefaces.


Grading:                        Points

    Text or Old English

        (2) Examples            4

            Neatness/labeling  1



        (2) Examples            4

            Neatness/labeling  1


    Square Serif

        (2) Examples            4

            Neatness/labeling  1



        (2) Examples            4

            Neatness/labeling  1


    Script or Cursive

        (2) Examples            4

            Neatness/labeling  1



        (2) Examples            4

            Neatness/labeling  1


                Total                30

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