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Hall Pass Layout

Create a hall pass for a teacher, counselor or principal. The person will be your client. Make a design for your client that includes: 
  • Teacher's Name
  • Line for the Date
  • Line for the Time
  • Line for Destination (or To)
  • Line for the student's name
  • Line for Teacher's signature
  • Graphic related to the teacher's subject or interest
1. Start with the Illustrator Layout
Illustrator Size 2.25" x 3.75"
2. Create a design and email a jpeg version to your client and ask for their input and approval.
3. Make any edits to the design.
4. Use the Indesign Template to copy your hall pass 8 times
5. Print out and cut passes
6. Glue up pass into a pad. 
7. Deliver to your client.

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