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Company Identity



You have been hired by a company to create an identity in the form of a logo, business card, letter head and a website. You will need to create the logo first which will be a graphic that you create. Early on in this process you will need to consider a color scheme for the company. A good tool for this decision could be the Color Scheme Designer website. Number of colors should be no more than three.


Your goal is to take your color choice and utilize that in your logo design, business cards, letterhead, and website designs. All of your designs should have a unified and consistent look that shows that they are all from one company.



  1. •Company Logo

  2. •Business card for the president of the company

  3. •Company Letterhead

  4. •Website for the company


The following areas will be graded using the following grading points scale 0-4 for a total of 80 points for the entire project.

Company Logo -

1. Graphic Quality

2. Only 1-3 colors

3. Logos works in Black and White


Business Cards-

4. Card is easy to read

5. Overall Layout

6. Logo at a reduced size is recognizable

7. Includes a name and all contact information.


8.  Company Logo included

9.  Includes Company name and all necessary contact info

10. Overall Layout

Website Design-

11. Includes all necessary pages

12. Text is formatted well and easy to read

13. Company colors are used consistently

14. Creative layout

15. Webpages have a consistent look

16. Buttons are help navigate through the site creatively

17. Pictures are used to enhance the layout

18. A company resource page includes Business card and Letterhead layout

19. Company Logo is used creatively throughout the website

20. Overall Website

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