Animated Product GIF
Create an animated GIF of a product that will be used on websites and emails. You have been hired by a company to photograph their product. You have been asked to show the product in the 4 different color options of the product. The goal of the GIF is show the four color options that are available when purchasing the product.
Choose a product or item (shoe, chair, bags, clothes, phone case) that can be photographed and could be available in at least 4 color options
Create one stellar photograph of the product.
Using Photoshop
Remove the background from the pic
Background needs to be a solid color.
Duplicate the photo layer to create 4 duplicates of the photo.
Colorize each layer differently
Create an animated GIF of the Photoshop file
Set speed of GIF to 1 seconds for each frame.
Add the GIF your 'Design Projects" page
Animated GIF
4 Colors
Unique colors 4
1 second per frame 4
Image quality 4
Color Quality 4
Editing/retouch 4
Total 20 points